all kinds of excitement

oct 6

On Friday I left a nice young man with an awesome mask sanding the bathtub preparatory to coating it with vile chemicals and rendering shiny, white, clean and not-a-health-hazard, and drove to New HAven to catch a train to New York.

Considering how close the Big City is, and how much fun I have, it always surprises me how much resistance I put up to the idea of going. This time Kate asked me to go with her, and I did, and we slept in a tiny tiny room with a bathroom containing fixtures swiped off an airplane, and we walked EVERYWHERE. It was faabulous. We think we should go back again soon.

The above circle is a happy part of the breakfast we had yesterday at Pain Quotidien (everyday bread); pain chocolat, iced coffee, Earl Grey tea, a fritatta, and more coffee. And a soft boiled egg.

After that we walked to the Chrysler Building and up to Columbus Circle and over to the MMA, and back to our hotel, and then I bolted for home while Kate did a wedding thing.

Today I was at the farm all day working at a horse show, and Alice made cupcakes. With raspberry frosting. So they made a circle. Al has kindly pointed out that the candy he likes best is not terribly colorful, and can look…. dubious when rendered in fabric. And he suggested I branch out into dessert. Since he is right about a lot of things, I'm following his suggestion this time.

oct 7

2 thoughts on “all kinds of excitement

  1. This means you should consider rendering a circle out of ICE CREAM. WHich means we’ll have to buy or make ice cream, get ice cream accessories and then put them together. You know, for research and modeling purposes.


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